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Driective 89/686/eec on personal protection equipment

CE the Directive specifies two classes of gloves meeting two levels of risk: minimal and mortal or irreversible risk. A risk which falls between these two levels may be described as intermediate. To comply with the 89/686/EEC Directive, you must establish the level of risk and select gloves of the appropriate class. A system of marking has been developed to help vou in that selection. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) falls into the following three categories:

Category Ⅰ: for minimal risk only

Gloves in this category are intended to protect the user from minimal injuries that might occur during for example washing, dishing but also from hot objects where temperatures are below +50C. Also suitable for less heavy gardening and other work where risk for lighter injuries.

Category Ⅱ : for intermediate risk

This category of gloves are intended to protect the user from injuries that are not classified like minimal nor very high. The gloves must be marked with a pictogram showing the gloves protection properties and are tested according to the standard EN388, mechanical protection, at an accredited test institute. All category 2 gloves are validated and type certified by a Notified Body to show the validity of protection.

Category Ⅲ : for irreversible or mortal risk

Gloves in this category protects against risks that may cause very serious consequences such as death or irreversible damage to health. The gloves must be marked with pictograms showing the gloves protection properties and must be tested at an accredited test institute. They must also be validated and certified, for both type and production control, by a Notified Body to show the validity of protection. Chemical protection gloves are all category 3 but also heat protection can be classified to this category.

EN 420 : general requirements on protective glove

This standard supersedes EN420:2003+A1:2009. The scope of this standard includes not only protective gloves and arm protectors, but also gloves permanently incorported in containement enclosures, mittens and pot holders.
The requirements of this standard needs to be satisfied for all protective gloves for all categories of PPE.

Sized by reference to an agreed common European hand size. See the table below.

Glove’s Size67891011
minimal length(mm)220230240250260270
hand circumference(mm)152178203229254279
hand length(mm)160171182192204215

This pictogram indicates that the user has to consult the instructions for use.

EN 388: Mechanical protection

EN388:Main Changes ( early 2016)

Table 1 – Levels of performance

Performance Level012345
Abrasion resistance (cycles)<10010050020008000
Blade cut resistance (Coup test : index) *1<
Tear resistance (Newton) <1010255075
Puncture resistance (Newton)<202060100150
Test is non-applicable or unsuccessfully completed

Table 2 – Levels of performance for materials tested with EN ISO 13997

Performance LevelABCDEF
TDM : cut resistance (Newton) *22510152230

Note: There is no correlation between the levels of performance obtained with the *1 and *2 test methods.

EN 388 : Cut protection revision

in the COuP test (EN 388) method. a circular blade. under a fixed load. moves back and forth across the sample until cut-through is achieved. A cotton canvas fabric is used as the reference material. The reference material and test sample are cut alternately until at least five results are obtained. The cut resistance is a ratio of the number of cycles needed to cut through the test sample vs. the reference material.

The coup test can become unreliable when testing materials with especially high cut resistance. Gloves constructed with glass or steel generally fall into this category. In these situations, the rotating blade can become blunted over the course of the testing, leading to inconsistent results.

For this reason, the EN388 tandard allows for highly cut resistant materials to be tested using the ISO 13997 test method. ISO 13997 testing is similar to ASTM F1790 testing, in that a straight blade is drawn across a piece of fabric as increasing force is applied to the blade. Cut Level is measured by the weight required to break through the material. ISO 13997 testing is not mandatory, but is generally accepted to be more accurate than coup testing for highly cut resistant materials.

Using this new measurement, the industry may want to identify higher levels of cut resistance (above 5) as newer and higher performance materials appear on the market.

Performance Level (EN388)45
Necessary force according to 150 13997 (Newton)≥13≥22

*EN388 can now be supplemented with an additional cut resistant test ISO13997 which calculates a TDM rating by Newtons of cut load. The alternativ test represents analysis of higher technological materials using a straight blade at constant speed and load.

EN 374 : Chemicals and (or) Micro-Organisms protection

This standard specifies the demands of the requirements for a glove to protect against dangerous chemicals and micro-organisms.The “Chemical resistant” glove pictogram must be accompanied by a 3-digit code, This code refers to the code letters of 3 chemicals (from a list of 12 standard defined chemicals), for which a breakthrough time of at least 30 minutes has been obtained.

A : Methanol B : Acetone C : Acetonitrile D : Dichloromethane E: Carbon disulphide F : Toluene

G : Diethylamine H : Tetrahydrofurane I: Ethyl acetate J : n-heptane k : Sodium hydroxide 40% L : Sulphuric acid 96%

Performance Level0123456

This pictogram can be used for gloves that don’ t meet the above requirement.

EN 407 : Heat and flam protection

This standard specifies thermal performance for protective gloves against heat and/or fire. The nature and degree of protection is shown by a pictogram followed by a series of six performance levels, relating to specific protective qualities. The heat and flame’ pictogram is accompanied by a 6-digit number:

Performance level 1 2 3 4
Resistance to flammabillity after flare time ≤20s ≤10s ≤3s ≤2s
after glow time ≤120s ≤25s ≦5s
Contact heat resistance contact temperature 100℃ 250℃ 350℃ 450℃
threshold time ≥15s ≥15s ≥15s ≥15s
Convective heat resistance (heat transfer delay) ≥4s ≥7s ≥10s ≥18s
Radiant heat resistance (heat transfer delay) ≥7s ≥20s ≥50s ≥95s
Resistance to small drops of molten metal (if drops) ≥10 ≥15 ≥25 ≥35
Resistance to large quantity of molten metal (mass) 30g 60g 120g 200g

EN 511 : Cold protection

This standard defines the requirements and test methods for cold protection gloves from cold transmitted by onvection or conduction down to -50 C. Protection against cold is expressed by a pictogram followed by a series of 3 performance levels, relating to specific protective qualities.

EN 10819 : 2013 – Mechanical vibration and shock : Hard-arm vibration

Performance Level01234
Resistance to convective coldITR<0.100.10>0.15>0.220.30
Resistance to contact coldR<0.0250.025>0.050>0.1000.150
Permeability by waterFallPass

ISO 10819:2013 specifies a method for the laboratory measurement, data analysis, and reporting of the vibration transmissibility of a glove with a vibration-reducing material that covers the palm, fingers, and thumb of the hand ISO 10819:2013 specifies vibration transmissibility in terms of vibration transmitted from a handle through a alove to the palm of the hand in one-third-octave frequency bands with centre frequencies of 25 Hz to 1250 Hz. The vibration reduction criteria for an anti-vibration glove according ISO 10819 are:

TRM ( Transmission Ratio Medium frequency range ) < 1.0

TRH ( Transmission Ratio High frequency range ) < 0.6

EN 16350 :2014 – Electrostatic protection

This European Standard provides additional requirements for protective gloves that are worn in areas where flammable or explosive areas exist or might be present (see lEC 60079-32-1). It specifies a test method and requirements for performance, marking and information for electrostatic dissipative protective gloves to minimize explosion risks.

This European Standard does not cover:

The requirements may not be sufficient in oxygen enriched flammable atmospheres.
This European Standard should be used with the specific standards applicable to the risks for which the glove is designed.

The electrostatic dissipative protective gloves are effective only if the wearer is earthed through a resistance lower than 108 Ω.

CE Food directive

The Framework Requlation (EC) 1935/2004 states that food contact materials shall be safe. They shall not transfe their components into the food in quantities that could endanger human health, change the composition of the food in an unacceptable way or deteriorate the taste and odour of foodstuffs.

General principles of the Framework Requlation

REACH requlation: Dimethylformamide(DMF)

Dimethylformamide is an organic compound used as an industrial solvent and in the production of fibres, films and surface coatings. This colourless liquid is miscible with water and the majority of organic liquids. Dimethylformamide is odourless whereas technical arade or degraded sample residues in finished products often have a fishy smel.

DMF is registered under REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals : reaulation of the Furopean Union) as mono-constituent substance (10,000-100,000 tonnes). The registration dossier therefore has to comply with the information requirement in REACH Annex VI-X, i.e. the highest level in REACH regarding information covering physical-chemical, toxicological and eco-toxicological properties. In December 2012, DMF was included on the candidate list of Substances of very High Concern (SVHC) due to its CMR2 properties and is now further recommended to be included on Annex iV as a substance subiect to authorisation, DMF is not on the Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) for substance prioritized for evaluation. There is no EU risk assessment for DMF (CAS No. 68-12-2).

Chemical identification (CAS No) Classification
Hazard Class and Category Code(s) Hazard statement Code(s)
68-12-2 Acute Tox.4 H312 : Harmful in contact with skin
Eye lrrit. 2 H319 : Causes serious eye irritation
Acute Tox.4 H332 : Harmful ifinhaled
Repr. 1B H360D : May damage the unborn


Working environment Classification

Council Directive 2009/161/EU establishing a third list of indicative occupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC and amending Directive 2000/39/EC.
Establishes indicative occupational exposure limits for chemical agents. For DMF the indicative OEL is set to 15 mg/m3 (8 hour average) and 30 mg/m3 (15 minutes peak exposure)

OEKO-TEX standard 100

The OEKO-TEXR Sandard 100 is an independent testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediate and end products at all stages of production. Examples for items eligible for certification: Raw and dyed/finished yarns, raw and dyed/finished fabrics and knits, ready-made articles (all types of clothing, domestic and household textiles, bed linen,terry cloth items, textile toys and more).

OEKO-TEX testing for harmful substances always focus on the actual use of the textile. The more intensive the skin contact of a product, the stricter the human ecological requirements to be met.

Testing for harmful substances includes: