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May 8, 2023305 ViewsGloves8

Fire related hand injuries

Fire injuries occur when hands are exposed to direct or indirect flame, and—combined with the heat present—cause burn injuries. The depth of the skin damage determines the severity of the injury, anywhere from first-degree burns (surface damage to the epidermis) to third-degree burns (leaving the skin charred and causing nerve damage).

Fire-resistant (FR) gloves, designed to resist heat and flame exposure, are made from materials that can withstand high temperatures and prevent heat transfer to the wearer’s hands.

Forces at work in a fire-resistant glove

To understand fire resistance in gloves, we must first identify the ingredients that cause fire and how to counteract the effects.

This is why fire-resistant gloves need to be made with materials that:

  1. Resist ignition or combustion
  2. Limit the area that catches fire
  3. Minimize the transfer of heat to the hands
  4. Do not sustain fire once the ignition source is removed

Note: Every material has a melting point and every material will eventually ignite and catch fire. What is important is how much of that material will burn over time and how quickly it extinguishes itself.

Materials used in fire-resistant gloves

FR materials are either treated to resist flames or made from inherently fire-resistant materials. The most common material used for protection against fire hazards is leather, due to its inherent fire resistance and durability. However, other materials are also used to manufacture fire-resistant gloves.


1. Inherently fire-resistant materials are better for fire resistance in the long term because treated materials eventually lose their fire-resistant properties from wear and washing.

2. As noted earlier, every material has a melting point and every material will eventually ignite and catch fire. What is important is how much of that material will burn over time and how quickly it extinguishes itself.

Vertical Flame Test

If the fabric achieves the criteria listed above, it is deemed fire resistant.

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